I wonder what the Victorian version of, “This looks shopped,” was. Plus, Stan Lee did an AMA on Reddit and cougarettes are the new cougar.
For the first time in history, America finally beat Mexico at soccer on their home turf. - [SportsIllustrated]
Remember the anti-gay protestor that set fire to cereal on General Mills property in protest? Well, he just died. - [HuffingtonPost]
Amanda Bynes is looking rough. Really, really rough. - [TheSuperficial]
Check out the highlights from the AMA comic book legend Stan Lee did on Reddit the other day! - [GammaSquad]
We all know what a cougar is, but now it's time to meet the courgarettes. - [TheDailyBeast]
Maybe Hanna Barbera was on to something. 11 examples of bears being great burglars. - [DeathAndTaxes]