All this could be yours for the low, low price of $35 million. Plus what secrets are hiding in the Tootsie Roll factory and can robots feel shame?
While America deals with West Nile Virus, people are dying by the hundreds in West Africa from cholera. - [NYTimes]
A new theory has formed in regards to the mysterious collapse of the Mayan empire. - [HuffingtonPost]
The bizarre secrecy at the Tootsie Roll factory might make it the weirdest company in the USA. - [Esquire]
Good news for smartphone data hogs, the unlimited data plans are slowly coming back from the dead. - [Time]
Robots can now pass the mirror test. Does this chasis make my butt look fat? - [Gammasquad]
Speaking of being self-conscious, here's 10 cool/creepy ads for plastic surgery. - [Oddee]
The GIF revolution goes mainstream with these official Calvin Klein GIFS featuring Alexander Skarsgard. - [TheSuperficial]
A study found that married women have a tendency to drink more than their husbands. - [TheFrisky]
Headline Story: If you think the outside of this Napa Valley vineyard is stunning, wait until you see inside! - [TheBerry]