Everyone else is so inconsiderate. Plus, movies made possible by side character incompetence and heroic animals saving animals.
8 movies made possible by bumbling, incompetent background characters. - [Cracked]
Latin America is trying to lead the world in decriminalizing drug use. - [Time]
13 examples that prove Lisa Frank was predicting the future. - [Glamour]
20 things about sports that'll make you feel old. - [BleacherReport]
What if I told you Big Bird's "parents" were an adorable gay couple? - [TheDailyBeast]
7 heroic animals caught rescuing other animals. - [Oddee]
Dentist combines drill with MP3s in an attempt to take the terror out of root canals. - [Uproxx]
Headline Story: See all 10 pedestrian offenses after the jump! - [Flavorwire]