Supposedly it magically gets rid of cellulite too. Plus, why is Amanda Bynes imploding and does your dog really think you're his best friend?
A look inside what led to Amanda Bynes career-ending spiral. - [HollywoodReporter]
What do you think your dog really thinks of you? - [TIME]
Robin Roberts is home recuperating after a month in the hospital. - [USMagazine]
D'awwwww. The 50 cutest sports pictures, ever. - [BleacherReport]
Having short hair doesn't have to mean sacrificing stylish variety. - [Elle]
The fire alarm goes off during a taping of Conan, exposing the dangers of microwave popcorn. - [TeamCoCo]
The 8 essential hard rock music babes from the 80s. - [Uproxx]