Sure he's cute, but what preschooler watches Mad Men ? Plus, Tom Hanks drops an F-Bomb and Yelp! starts an internal sting operation.
Don Draper
5 famous artists who tried to destroy their own work. - [Cracked]
6 times medicine implanted or attached body parts to unorthodox places via surgery. - [Oddee]
If you're cool under pressure and are social butterfly, you might be a psychopath...and that's okay. - [TheDailyBeast]
Oh thank God. 32 news shoes you can actually walk in. - [NYMag]
Turns out nerds and bros have more in common than they thought. - [Dorkly]
Yelp! is straight up starting a sting operation to catch fake reviewers. - [Esquire]
More proof the health care field is a minefield of ripoffs. - [TruTV]
Whoops! Tom Hanks accidentally dropped an F-Bomb on national television. - [CoedMagazine]
Headline Story: This Halloween, at least 14 kids will be answering "Oh what are you supposed to be?" with a shrug. - [Flavorwire]