Buzzfeed submits 13 pieces of interview evidence proving the Sandman creator is the best. We sat down to talk about the Halloween book-giving tradition, but we got distracted.
Neil Gaiman has an exceptionally elderly cat.
She is a TWENTY-year-old cat named Princess who likes to drink from the tap.
She used to be vicious and grumpy and now she just remembers being vicious and grumpy.
But who is his favorite Internet cat?
Oh, it's gotta be Ceiling Cat.
Sadly, he had not taken the quiz, Which Famous Internet Cat Are You?
He finds "Cats Who Look Like Pin-Up Girls" quite cute.
What does he think the next big thing should be?
Gay Guys With Cute Kittens.
Via: catsthatlooklikepinupgirls
Neil Gaiman shipped The Doctor and the TARDIS.
And so he lived out every fan's fantasy and made it real.
I'm a crap shipper. I did ship The Doctor and the TARDIS but then I got to make it canon and I don't think it counts once you've done that.
(Editor's Note: It totally still counts.)