Bonus! It even has a dead-eyed porcelain doll staring into your soul.
8 normal photos hiding details that will blow your mind. - [Cracked]
Some people hate everything. 20 negative Google reviews of wonders of the world. - [CollegeHumor]
There are an awful lot of incidences of the wife and the mistress of a famous man posing in the same picture. - [TheDailyBeast]
YouTube is now acting like a television network, axing channels without enough viewers. - [Uproxx]
15 of the biggest conspiracies in basketball. - [TruTV]
The rites of fashion basics based on your age. What's OK to wear at 20 is not OK at 40. - [Refinery29]
7 insane, and insanely large, Soviet Union projects from days gone by. - [MentalFloss]
Nobody liked it when Business Week got confused and thought it was Maxim. - [TheAtlanticWire]
Headline Story: The Victorians had a propensity for disturbing cat portraits. See all 10 after the jump! - [Flavorwire]